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Code of Conduct

Lunar is run by humans, for humans. Here are the rules we strive to live by, and we expect members of the Lunar Community to do the same.

We are committed to making participation in the Lunar Ecosystem harassment-free for everyone, regardless of experience level, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.

When referring to the Lunar Community within the Lunar Ecosystem, we mean:

  • Governance platforms (Discussion & Voting)
  • Discussion channels (Discord & Telegram)
  • Social channels (Twitter, YouTube, etc)
  • Code repositories (GitHub, etc)
  • Live events and public spaces (including AMAs)
  • Working group calls


  • Be kind, respectful, and compassionate to your fellow community members and moderators at all times.
  • Be positive and share your optimism about the project. Constructive feedback is welcomed; unfocused criticism is not.
  • Ask questions before jumping to conclusions. Integrity is a key component of everything we do, so if you have a concern or question, please message the team so we can resolve it quickly.
  • If you are new to Lunar, check our website and social channels for information before asking basic questions. Almost everything you need to know can be found here or on our Governance Platform.
  • Engage in healthy discussions about the project. Fighting and arguments are not necessary and turn off other current + potential participants in the Lunar Ecosystem.
  • Think long-term. Short-term conditions are not worth increasing everyone's blood pressure over.
  • Help your fellow members by answering their questions when you can. Make new and inexperienced members feel welcomed.
  • We’re all here to make Lunar the best ecosystem possible. While making yourself feel at home, please take the time to do so for your fellow community members as well.


Zero Tolerance Behavior

Our Zero Tolerance policy extends to (but is not limited to) any of the following actions. Individuals who engage these actions will be permanently banned across the entire Lunar Ecosystem. In addition, Lunar will refer incidents to local law enforcement where appropriate.

  • Scamming or phishing attempts
  • Doxxing, harassment, or threats of any kind, including in private chats
  • Posting any "not safe for work" (NSFW) content
  • Using sexualized language or imagery, including romantic advances towards others without their consent
  • Speaking on behalf of or otherwise impersonating Lunar Foundation staff, including community moderators

Prohibited Behavior

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include, but are not limited to:

  • Trolling, insulting, or derogatory comments, such as:
  • ~passive aggressive language
  • ~postings meant to sow discord
  • ~posting inflammatory and digressive messages
  • ~overuse of channels in a way that puts others off from contributing
  • ~purposefully spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD)
  • ~intentionally spreading false or misleading information
  • Unsolicited marketing campaigns, self-promotion, or requests for funds
  • Fighting / arguing with other members or moderators. (Calm, open discussion is acceptable)
  • SENDING MESSAGES IN ALL CAPS. This is the digital-equivalent of yelling
  • Repeatedly spamming messages or GIFs


The standard disciplinary process for members who engage in these actions is as follows:

  • First Offense: you will receive a warning and your comment(s) will be deleted
  • Second Offense: your account will be suspended from participating in community discussions for 30 days
  • Third Offense: you will be banned all community and governance channels

Moderators and admins can issue warnings, comment deletions, kicks, and/or bans, etc. for prohibited actions at their discretion.

We will never purposefully ban you for asking a genuine question or calmly expressing a genuine concern about the project. Before launching into a FUDfest, please reach out to the team through Discord, Telegram, or email so we can clarify any questions you may have and resolve the situation.


We reserve the right to take any corrective action we deem necessary to protect the Lunar Ecosystem and its participants.

If you believe you have been unjustly banned from the server, please reach out to an admin or email us at explaining the situation.

By joining any Lunar community or governance channel, you agree to adhere to these rules and guidelines at all times. These rules and guidelines are subject to change. Any modification to this document will be approved by Lunar DAO as necessary and updated across all channels.